Proyecto details
ERAIKEN –CIFP Construcción LHII from Vitoria-Gasteiz is a public training centre under the Department of Education of the Basque Government. It is concerned with vocational training in building related areas. The geographical area of work covers Álava and surrounding areas.
It was founded in 1991 as IES Construcción BHI Vitoria-Gasteiz by: Education and Work Departments of Basque Government, Economy and Planning Department of Alava Foral Government and the Building Businessman Union of Alava (UNECA).
Until 2001 the school was located in Zigoitia, from this year on it was moved to the current placement in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Los Huetos Av., 33).
Since 2015, the Secondary School changed into Vocational Educational Training Integrated Centre, with the name ERAIKEN CIFP Construcción LHII. It became a teaching open centre that promotes research, education and dissemination.
The mission of ERAIKEN is to satisfy the training demand in Building related areas, to answer the students’ needs by the addition of value to their learning process, to make easier their employment and to increase the prestige of VET.
The vision of ERAIKEN is to be the reference centre in Building related areas training, known by the management and results quality, its good image, its opening to the future and to the social and technological surroundings, its contribution to the improvement of Basque professional competence and its compromise with the Basque VET System.
ERAIKEN offers vocational courses for students who want to properly train, what enables them to:
Have a suitable labour market integration.
Continue studying at University.
Specialise after other studies of update their knowledge.
We also offer Lifelong Learning courses for workers or unemployees who want to improve their skills in specific areas.
Non-formal Training:
Certificates of professionalism and specialization training and retraining.
Formal training:
Construction and Civil Works family:
Technician in Construction
Technician in Interior Works, Decoration and Rehabilitation
Higher Technician in Construction Works Organisation and Control
Higher Technician in Construction Projects
Installing and Maintenance family:
Technician in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Installations
Technician in Heat Generation Installations
Advanced Expert in Prevention of Occupational Risks http://todofp.es/dam/jcr:b65cbcf2-0e17-466d-97bf-82115a00ea83/prevencion-de-riesgos-profesionales-ingles-pdf.pdf
Higher Technician in Thermal and Fluids Installations Maintenance
Water and Energy family:
Higher Technician in Energy Efficiency and Solar Thermal Energy
Wood, Furniture and Cork family:
- Technician in Fitting and Furnishing http://todofp.es/dam/jcr:b2f1c182-48ae-496e-9d7d-114da844c6a6/tinstalacionamueblamientoen-pdf.pdf
Avda. de los Huetos, 33
Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava, 01010
t. 0034 945 001 200
f. 0034 945 001 201
- INNOTECS net: http://innotecs.eu/
- GirlsTech: http://innotecs.eu/content/girlstech
- Erasmus without paper: https://www.erasmuswithoutpaper.eu/
- Spanish National Agency: http://www.sepie.es/
- Lycée Léonard De Vinci (France) http://www.lyceevinciblanquefort.fr/
- Jyväskylä Educational Consortium (Finland) https://www.jao.fi/en
- Alfa College (The Netherlands) https://www.alfa-college.nl/groningen
- Braga Mobility Open (Portugal) http://bragamobilityopen.com/
- Mine Vaganti NGO (Italy) http://minevaganti.org/en/
- Stredna odborna skola stavebna (Slovakia) http://www.sosstavebna.sk/
- Escola Profissional Aveiro (Portugal) http://www.epa.edu.pt/
- Lycée Roland Garros (France) http://lycee-roland-garros.ac-reunion.fr/
- BTP-CFA Rhône Philibert de L’Orme (France) http://www.btpcfa-rhonealpes.fr/nos-cfa/btp-cfa-rhone/
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